Local Manager
Offering a full line of water, sewer, storm sewer, HDPE fusion and Neptune meters to Western Colorado, from Steamboat to Vail to Telluride. Trust your estimating crew for Western Colorado along with the most reliable delivery/shipping crew anywhere. Check out over four acres of dedicated supply inventory. Our associates have over 100 years of local waterworks knowledge and are ready to serve you. Call us 970-628-7104, or stop by 3026 I-70B, easily located at 30 Road and I-70 Business Loop in Grand Junction.

Products & Services:
- Certified Fusion Technician(s)
- Complete AMR/AMI Meter Systems
- Drainage Materials
- Erosion Materials & Fabrics
- Fusible Plastics Stocking Location
- Fusion Equipment Rental
- Fusion Equipment Sales
- Live Taps
- Precast Concrete Pipe & Structures
- Sales Counter
- Sewer Materials
- Underground Detention Structures
- Valve Insertions
- Water Materials
- Will Call