Offering the Greater Grand Rapids and surrounding counties a complete line of water, sewer, and storm drain products, from ductile iron water pipe, PVC sewer pipe, concrete (RCP) pipe and HDPE drainage pipe to copper tubing, concrete manholes, manhole frame and covers, fire hydrants, gate valves and service brass; we have the products you need to complete your job on time and on budget. Stop by the branch to see our complete line of available products. Take advantage of our free delivery on our fleet of vehicles, complete estimating and take-off services, as well as informational seminars and on-site training. Contact our manager for details on our 24-hour emergency service.
- Certified Fusion Technician(s)
- Drainage Materials
- Erosion Materials & Fabrics
- Fusible Plastics Stocking Location
- Fusion Equipment Rental
- Fusion Equipment Sales
- Jobsite Material Takeoffs
- Precast Concrete Pipe & Structures
- Product Training
- Sales Counter
- Sewer Materials
- Tools
- Water Materials
- Will Call