Offering the Charlotte area a complete line of water, sewer, geotextile and storm drain products from two locations that service the entire market. From ductile iron pipe/fittings, PVC pipe/fittings, concrete pipe and HDPE drainage pipe to copper tubing, manhole frame and covers, precast boxes and risers, gate valves and service brass; we have what you need. Our HDPE fusion division is located on the same yard as our North branch location and carries a complete line of fusible pipe and fittings, fabrication, certified fusion technicians, rental and equipment sales. Take advantage of our free delivery, complete estimating and take-off services. Visit with any of our 40 associates who are ready to serve as your problem-solver. Our two locations are conveniently located on the North and South sides of Charlotte with easy access to the outer belt 485 and interstates I77 and I85.
- Certified Fusion Technician(s)
- Drainage Materials
- Fusible Plastics Service Center
- Fusible Plastics Stocking Location
- Fusion Equipment Rental
- Fusion Equipment Sales
- Sales Counter
- Sewer Materials
- Water Materials
- Will Call