Offering the south Texas coastal area a complete line of water, sewer, and storm drainage products. From ductile iron water pipe, PVC water and sewer pipe, fusible HDPE pipe and services, HDPE drainage pipe to copper service tubing, manhole frames and covers, gate valves, fire hydrants, service brass and pipe repair products; we have what you need. Come by and check out the most centralized waterworks location in all of south Texas, complete with tool showroom. Count on us to be your one-stop shop for all of your underground utility needs. Located just a short distance from I-37 S Frontage Road (follow I-37 south or north to I-37 Frontage Rd.)

- Asset Management Software
- Certified Fusion Technician(s)
- Complete AMR/AMI Meter Systems
- Drainage Materials
- Fusion Equipment Rental
- Jobsite Material Takeoffs
- Live Taps
- McElroy Certified Training
- Online Account Availability
- Precast Concrete Pipe & Structures
- Sales Counter
- Sewer Materials
- Tools
- Treatment Plant Piping & Valves
- Water Materials