Supplying the northern Utah, southern Idaho and western Wyoming area with a complete line of water, sewer and storm drain products since 1929. From ductile iron to PVC water pipe, PVC sewer pipe and HDPE drainage pipe to copper tubing, as well as manhole frame and covers, gate valves, service brass and a tool showroom; we have the products you need. Stop by and speak with any of our specialized customer service representatives. In addition to our extensive line of product offerings, our fusible HDPE tech specialist can assist you with your HDPE needs. Take advantage of our free delivery, complete estimating and takeoff services, along with seminars and on-site training. Click on the directions button for the best route to our location.

- Complete AMR/AMI Meter Systems
- Drainage Materials
- Erosion Materials & Fabrics
- Fusion Equipment Rental
- Fusion Equipment Sales
- Product Training
- Sales Counter
- Sewer Materials
- Tools
- Treatment Plant Piping & Valves
- Water Materials
- Will Call