As a Master Stocking Distributor of fusible HDPE pipe, we offer McElroy fusion equipment and a complete line of high density polyethylene products by vendors including McElroy, Performance Pipe, WL Plastics, JM Eagle, Duarline, Pipeline Plastics and many more. Our 20 associates with 323 years of combined experience are ready to serve your fusible HDPE needs, including HDPE fabrication. Our background includes expertise in HDPE applications for waterworks and other industries such as mining, landfill, landfill gas, dual containment, power plant and more. Visit our 30,000 sq. ft. facility located just five miles from the Nitro exit off 64.
- Certified Fusion Technician(s)
- Drainage Materials
- Fabrication
- Fusible Plastics Service Center
- Fusible Plastics Stocking Location
- Fusion Equipment Rental
- Fusion Equipment Sales
- Jobsite Material Takeoffs
- Product Training
- Sales Counter
- Sewer Materials
- Water Materials
- Will Call